A paintbrush


We have collated a list of connected and supporting resources for kura to use to guide their art projects. These resources relate to the theme "Legends Of Our Lands- Our People, Our Places, Our Stories'', with reference to a variety of Polynesian cultures, pūrākau, and historical figures.

The resource list is available for download below.



The theme can be separated into three possible areas to draw your inspiration from:

Creation Legends: stories of the origin of something, how the world and everything in it came to be. Often involving atua,

supernatural beings or events which explain the creation of environmental elements.

Historical Legends: Tell stories of specific people, ancestors, tupuna, events and the places our people inhabit.

Personal legends: Your stories, of people, places, islands and events within your own whakapapa, whānau, aiga, fanau.

Māori Pūrākau


Te Ara a Kewa

As told by Syd Cormack  - Originally from School Journal 1993. Click here for scanned PDF copy.

He Kōrero mō te Pīngao 

School Journal part 1, Number 2, 2001

Pīngao used to be used for tukutuku and raranga (weaving), but it was becoming scarce and hard to find.

Read this story of this taonga and how it was a gift given to us by Tāne Mahuta. Click here to access a scanned PDF copy.

Topic Explorer- Pūrākau (Māori Myths and Legends)

Explore Māori culture through pūrākau about the creation myths includingl atua (gods, goddesses), whenua, taniwha, Maui and the discovery of Aotearoa. SCIS no. 1808309.


Tales from the mythologies of Creation, Maui and Aoraki


How the Kiwi Saved the Forest (Ready to Read)


Explorers of the Sunrise

Text and audio available


The Winds of Tawhirimatea
Connected 1, 2004

Click here to access a scanned PDF copy.

Kupe and the Giant Wheke


Reading Warrior Website

This website has a huge range of Pasifika resources. The author David Riley has a long background in teaching and used his experience and expertise to develop and design a range of books:


Pasifika Superheroes


Pacific History


The Legend of Sina and the Eel


Pacific History & Legends

Our Pacific history & legends from the Pacific - delve into our unique history, folklore and mythology from the different Island cultures.



Using a place-based approach to learning acknowledges that history occurs in a specific

context in Aotearoa or in the Pacific Islands.

A place-based approach helps students to develop new perspectives on where they are and allows them to personalise their learning.

They have an opportunity to look beyond written stories or academic articles, to personalised individual

accounts and whānau / aiga / anau / fanau experiences.

Local landmarks, place names, memorials, marae and local rūnanga can give students a place to start.

Whenua Māori

Pacific Islands

Ka Huru Manu

Ngāi Tahu Cultural Mapping Website & associated information. See over 1,000 original Māori place names, kā ara tawhito (traditional travel routes), and the original Māori land allocations in the Ngāi Tahu takiwā. https://kahurumanu.co.nz/atlas

Ngā Tātarakihi o Parihaka

(SJ L4, May 2016)


Children of the Pacific Book Series

NZ Pacific Island Book Collection 

The New Zealand Pacific Picture Book Collection is a collection of 36 picture books. It was created in order to make the limited number of books representing Pasifika stories and knowledge easily accessible to classroom teachers, and to provide suggestions for classroom activities linked to the New Zealand curriculum in order to integrate this knowledge into New Zealand classrooms.
The New Zealand Pacific Picture Book Collection books are not available as a unit, but most will be found in school libraries or through the National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa.


Milas Books



Historical Legends: Tell stories of specific people, ancestors, tupuna, events and the places our people inhabit.

Personal legends: Your stories, of people, places, islands and events within your own whakapapa, whānau, aiga, fanau.

Tangata Māori


Kia Kaha: A storybook of Māori who changed the world 

by Stacey Morrison & Jeremy Sherlock
A powerful illustrated storybook for the tamariki and rangatahi of Aotearoa New Zealand celebrating Maoritanga!

KIA KAHA is a collection of true stories about amazing Maori who have achieved incredible things.

Te Kai a te Rangatira book

Leadership from the Māori World

Awe-inspiring collective wisdom and a snapshot into the current state of Māori leadership, this extraordinary book of interviews and photographs created by rangatahi enriches our understanding of what it means to be a leader.

Pasifika Heroes - series 

A series of books on the achievers of the Pacific.

Each book features characters from legend, historical figures and contemporary achievers.

Reading Legends


Olympic Islands

Olympic Islands celebrates the history and achievements of Pasifika Olympians.


Ko Au Ko e Tama Niue

Fourteen Niue young people worked with teacher-writer David Riley, to bring you this book – Ko Au Ko e Tama Niue. The stories they’ve written demonstrate their immense pride in being Niue.


Keeping Our Stories Alive

School Journal Story Library Level 3

This book explores Samoan tatau in two parts: the first part is an interview with tattooist Tyla Vaeau and the second is a comic that retells how tatau came to Sāmoa.


The Sons of Ma'afu

SJ Level 2 - Oct 2015

A traditional story from Tonga, retold by Feana Tu‘akoi.

Make connections to the importance of stars for navigation. A final section provides factual information about the constellations mentioned in the story.


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