Anjelina first became involved with Mīharo as a Polyfest participant in Primary

School. She later became a volunteer, and was a member of our Youth Mentor

Programme in 2018. In 2021, she joined Mīharo through an Intern initiative while

on break from University, in the role of Events Admin and Coordinator. Anjelina

graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts and Science majoring in Psychology and

Indigenous Development.

Her background is in arts, both visual arts and humanities, science, and

Indigenous studies, with particular focus on Pacific cultures and development. She

has a passion for education and youth work, with a strong cultural foundation,

which is perfect for the Whakamanahia te Rangatahi programme. In 2023 she was

promoted to the leadership role with full responsibility to guide, lead and inspire

rangatahi within our programmes.

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